Piano and Violin Lessons

- Students are expected to come to lessons with all assigned music and exercises prepared.
- Please remember to bring all lesson materials. Failure to do either may result in a cancelled lesson at your expense.
- Parents (guardians) and siblings are welcome in the lesson room to observe, however disruptive children may be asked to leave.
- For students under the age of 10 years old, it is essential that a parent or guardian attend each lesson and supervise daily practice. Parents will be expected to take notes so they are able to help their child during the week.
- Please be aware that teaching proper posture and playing requires that I move and arrange the student’s hands and arms during the lesson.
Missed Lessons
- Please let me know if you are going to be late by text or call (815-978-1637), as soon as you are aware. Lessons will still end on time.
- If you know you need to miss a lesson, please contact me as soon as possible, and at least 24 hours in advance. Full payment is required for missed lessons without proper notice.
- A 50% retention fee will be charged for skipped lessons. (Starting September 1st, 2021)
- Lessons cannot be rescheduled without 24 hours notice. If you are missing a lesson without notice and would still like a lesson that week, you may add an extra lesson into the month.
- The instructor reserves the right to cancel lessons due to illness or emergency (retention fees will not be charged).
- Please do not come to lessons if you or your child is sick.
- Weather related cancellations will roll over to the next month, provided you let me know in a reasonable amount of time that you won't be coming.
- Lesson fees:
- 30 min weekly lessons ($25)
- 45 min weekly lessons ($38)
- 60 min weekly lessons ($50)
- Payments are due for the full month and are required on the first of each month - lessons will roll over to the next month for lessons cancelled with advance notice or for teacher cancellations.
- Cash, Check, and Venmo (@Rachel-Pariseau) are accepted
- No refunds will be given.
- A $35 fee will be applied for all bounced checks.
- Students are required to purchase all lesson books and materials.
- Students are expected to practice the assigned music and exercises.
- Students should practice a minimum of 30 minutes a day.
- Review and listening is an important part of daily practice.
- For students under the age of 10, it is important that a parent supervise daily practice.
- Students and parents are responsible for reading and following the assignment sheet so that the correct material is practiced and the time spent is effective.
- When recitals are held, students will be required to attend and play a piece.
- Parents and students attending should plan to stay for the entirety of the recital to support the other students.
Students who do not adhere to studio policies may be dismissed from the studio.
**At this time I am unable to teach unvaccinated children as my child is too young to receive all their vaccines.